Kolari Pocket Review

The Kolari Pocket is a point-and-shoot camera converted for full-spectrum and infrared photography. It’s an affordable introduction to the many ways that you can shoot infrared light.
I’ve created a preview and a review video of the Kolari Pocket. The pros, cons, and who this camera is for are covered in the review and also summarized below. There is also a gallery of images shot with this camera.

Video Preview
Video Review
- Very affordable for infrared
- Six filters provides many styles of infrared photography: 590 nm, 665 nm, 720 nm, 850 nm, IR Chrome, full spectrum, and hot mirror
- Lightweight, compact, extremely portable
- Zoom lens free of hot spots
- Good looking JPGs straight out of camera with Full Spectrum, IR Chrome filter, and 850 nm filter.
- CHDK adds raw support and addresses many challenges with point-and-shoot camera
- Convenience filter pouch
- Image quality of lens: distortion, vignetting, chromatic aberration, purple/green color fringing
- Small sensor: noise, limited dynamic range, lacks detail
- Autofocus misses
- Camera records JPG-only without CHDK
- CHDK created DNG raw files not supported by Adobe ecosystem. However, they work well with Darktable and ON1.
- Filter adapter glued in place

Who is this camera for?
If you want to try infrared photography without the expense and risk of converting a camera, this camera is for you. If you want to convert a camera to infrared, but are not sure which of the many infrared cutoff filters to convert to, this camera allows you to try them all affordably. If you are already an infrared photographer and are looking for a portable, affordable, travel, or everyday carry, infrared camera, then this fits the bill.
If you are obsessed with image quality and want complete manual control of the image capture process, then this camera is not for you.

Image Gallery
Here is a gallery of all the test images I shot with the Kolari Pocket, which you can view or download.

If you have comments, questions or feedback, use the comment section for this video.